
Deep Healing

Dive into your soul´s world. Begin your transformation and start a new life!

Roland Schroll

Member of:

Roland Schroll

My Mission

Hello, I’m Roland Schroll – psychological coach, healer, artist, therapist and expert on the essence of the soul.

My fate led me down a path that I hadn’t planned and didn’t even know that it existed.

Driven by an inner emptiness, I stumbled into the wonderful world of the soul. It is full of adventure and made me realize what special beings we humans are.

Within each of us lies a great wisdom and a power that can heal our deepest inner being and transform our lives.

Finding access to this inner healer is more necessary for us than ever.

The pressure in our everyday life is increasing. Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic also increase the global stress level.

Many illnesses such as depression, anxiety and somatic disorders are the consequences and they not only overwhelm us as individuals but also the whole community and our health system.

Therefore a new form of psychology (Psycho & Logos = soul & knowledge) is needed, which recognizes the existence of a human soul.

The soul has the pontential to find the karmic roots of our difficulties and to transform them.

It is irrelevant to them whether these events took place in childhood, at the time of our birth or even in a previous life time.

It is high time that we activate this primal knowledge and develop a new consciousness within us.

To help people discover their true selves, that’s what I’m here for!

“I could trust him from the beginning.”

Excerpt from Jameda-Feedback

You are at the right place if …

.. you want to do more for yourself than just follow the recommendations and instructions of conventional medicine.

.. you feel misunderstood in your problems and you are looking for new perspectives and possibilities of healing.

.. you are plagued by feelings and thoughts that you cannot explain where they come from and that you want to get rid of.

.. you feel the desire to begin an inventury work in the depths of your soul and you do not shy away from a confrontation with your fears.

.. you have the feeling that what we generally perceive as reality is only a small part of what really exists.


My work enables you …

.. to activate the healing potential of your soul and work together with me on your transformation.

.. to work through your depression, your fears, your grief, your compulsions, your relationship problems, the burnout, the trauma or your physical illnesses effectively and to lead them to the solution.

.. to test the new possibilities of transpersonal therapy (soul work), which I have been doing in my practice for more than 5 years without any risk (see guarantee).

.. to gain an insight into the complexity of our (soul) reality and thereby to develop a deeper understanding of why “things are the way they are”.


My work is not a ..

.. hypnosis or hypnotic session! I will not lead you into ready-made dream worlds. We connect with your soul´s consciousness and go on your personal journey to your personal salvation. I support and accompany you on this process.

.. manipulation or reprogramming. I don’t give you any “exercises” that you have to train or internalize. We will find all the knowledge we need for your healing in yourself. The transformation takes place during the session and is sustainable.

.. journey into unconsciousness. During our work you are always aware of where you are and what we are doing. Through our constant exchange, we find out which areas we should venture and which we should not. In this way we always stay on the safe path and avoid overuse and retraumatisation.

.. long-term therapy. We usually do not need more than 3-6 sessions to work out a “topic“. Of course, other topics may arise during our work that you would like to have solved too. So we often begin with a therapeutic aim, and end with a full development of our soul´s potential.

soul healing

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”


Heilpraktiker Psychotherapie

Examples from clients:

A man unable to relate recognizes his childhood trauma that has cut him off from his feelings and emotions. He faces his fears, frees his inner child and begins to heal. He soon meets the woman of his life and starts a family.

A girl who is tormented by thoughts of suicide discovers inside her an alien energy, a dark something. She finds out when and how this something entered her, what it wants and how she can free herself from it. After this the dark thoughts are gone.

A woman suffering from leukemia (blood cancer) travels back to a previous life and sees herself being treacherously murdered by her own son (her own flesh and blood). This analogy in her two lives touches her deeply, and coming to terms with her previous life enables her to significantly reduce the number of blood transfusions required.

A man has been tormented by the feelings of homelessness and of “not wanting to be here” for as long as he can remember. In search for the lost feelings of security and connectedness, he travels to a distant planet full of nature and populated by very special beings. When he experiences this tears of relief start running down his face. His soul had longed deeply for this experience and was now ready to face the challenges in the present life.


“I give him top marks in all areas to be assessed because he is indeed working so well.”

Excerpt from Jameda-Feedback

Soul healing methods

Everyone has their own story. Therefore, the path to healing is different for everyone. To give you an idea of what your path could look like, I will introduce some of the most important methods.

Regression therapy

Things don’t happen for no reason. Therefore, every problem can be traced back to a trigger.

Regression therapy is one of those methods that allows us to recognize and transform the origin of our problems.

Healing the inner child

If something traumatic happened in childhood, it is of the utmost importance to heal this old wound.

When the lost child in you regains its strength and joy, your life will experience a wonderful transformation.

Past life therapy

You don’t believe in past lives?

Well, you don´t have to. If in our work pictures and feelings arise that do not belong to this life, you may see it as a kind of dream trip.

But what if this dream trip suddenly changes your life? …

In my sessions, these methods complement and support each other. This way, it is very much possible that an inner child leads us to a previous life time in which we clarify things in a systemical and energetical way.

Mr. Schroll helped me to finally overcome my traumatic experiences with which I was struggeling for decades. For that I am very grateful to him.”

Excerpt from Jameda-Feedback

My office

on site

If you live near Hagen or if you don’t shy away from a longer journey, then come to my office!

It’s always best to get to know each other personally on site.

Cup of coffee / tea and a comfortable couch are waiting for you.




If you are not able to travel for whatever reason, that is no longer a problem.

Today we can work just as well via the Internet.

All you need for an online session is a stable internet connection, a computer / laptop and a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

The sound- and image- connection via Zoom or Skype enables us to delve deeply into soul consciousness even from a distance.


“The sessions were more extensive than anything I have come to know before.”

Excerpt from Jameda-Feedback


The initial meeting (online or on site) is non-binding. The charge of 30€ is only after booking further appointments.

We will get to know each other, shed light on your concerns and find out whether a collaboration is appropriate or not. This first meeting takes about 20 to 40 minutes.

Further on, we will fix date and time for our first session.

It is advisable to schedule at least 3 sessions to work out an issue.

Our mind and body need time to understand and implement the changes in a sustainable way.

My hourly rate is €90.

For students and unemployed I offer an hourly rate of €75.


You have questions?

You want to book an appointment?

Don´t hesitate to contact me!

Whatsapp: 0049 163 5991278