

My name is Roland Schroll.

Nice of you to come by!

I´d love to know what brings you here but maybe we can do that later 😉

For now I can tell you something about myself.

I´m not sure  if you know that: The feeling of despair and dejection in hopeless situations.

I got to know that and it was the starting point for what I´m doing today.

In my teens all I wanted was to become a successful artist.

I taught myself to sing and play various instruments and started to write songs.

After graduating from high school, I went to the drama school in Munich. There I worked on the mobility and permeability of my body, on the precision of my language and on my stage presence. During school time I started to give concerst, wrote my first stage plays, made musik videos and did some painting.

All those talents made it possible to achieve a steep career in city and state theaters. As an actor who was able to impersonate great roles and at the same time sing well, I couldn’t complain about lack of assignments.

For more than 4 years I celebrated success after success in various roles and concerts on big stages.

But then it happened.

Everything collapsed in my life. The amount of work and the pressure to keep on delivering overwhelmed me. All the success couldn´t cheer me up any more and I began to repeat myself in my work and fell into an ever increasing apathy.

In addition, my girlfriend (and my today’s wife) separated from me. She just didn’t know how to deal with me and my shattered condition anymore.

I was in complete despair.

Realizing my need for help I came across something that changed my life fundamentaly.

With the assistance of a skilled therapist, I traveled back in time and space to the roots of my despair and landed in a previous life time.

I recognized the connections between that life time and my current situation and we released the karmic entanglements of my soul.

Only after three sessions, I started a new life.

My drive came back and I was positive about the future.

My wife and I were able to resume our relationship and today there are already four of us, daughter and son.

But the experiences in the sessions aroused my curiosity.

I could find out where my therapist learned his techniques and so I came across Dr. Hans TenDam and his Tasso Institute in the Netherlands.

There I was trained a “Transpersonal Regression Therapist” and that training was anything but ordinary. For two years it led me deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the soul. This world holds a very promising potential for humanity: The potential to heal in our deepest core, on a physical level, on a psychological level, and on a spiritual level.

At the same time, I passed the examination to become an alternative practitioner for psychotherapy in Germany. Additinally I studied psychology, because I wanted to be up to date in conventional medicine too.

In short, I completely turned my life upside down, from artist to therapist.

At first glance, the two professions may not have much in common. However, an artist who uses the creative power of his soul and a therapist who is able to tap his and the client´s soul potential are much closer to each other than one might think.

In my practice I notice many times how my artistic and creative talents helps me in working with my clients. Because transpersonal therapies such as “inner child work” or “regression therapy” do not work according to scheme but respond spontaneously and individually to what the client brings into the session.

Therefore navigation through my client´s soulworld is much more like an improvised jazz concert than a mechanical surgery.

I knew I had found my thing. It gives me great joy to initiate for my clients a deep transformation process and to show them the way out of the dark into a life full of possibilities.

Therefore, I send out this cordial invitatoin to you: If you feel like resonating with my story and you feel that something of that kind is also waiting for you, don´t hesitate to contact me! 

We can do sessions from wherever you are, because they are working very fine online via Skype or Zoom.

The first appointment about 30 minutes will be free of charge so we have time to get to know each other.

Then we make our first appiontment and if it turns out, that my kind of work does not suit you, I will not charge you for that.

So there is no risk for you at all!

Give it a try! Maybe a new life is just waiting for you.

Über mich

“When we connect with our soul, deep healing starts.”

Roland Schroll 3

Roland Schroll in key words:

  • Father and husband
  • Psychological Coach B.Sc
  • Alternative practitioneer
  • Therapist
  • Meditationtrainer (heartfulness)
  • Musician
  • Actor
  • Student of Dr. Hans TenDam
  • Entrepreneur
  • Researcher in the field of soul science